Monday 13 December 2010

Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy

Stephanie Edgeley is a normal girl. Her uncle, Gordon Edgeley, dies suddenly. She inherits all his fortune and his house. At night, it rains a lot, the road is blocked, and she has to sleep in her uncle’s house. Suddenly a man breaks into the house and tries to kill her. All of a sudden Skulduggery Pleasant, a person from Gordon’s will, breaks the door and fights the villain until Skulduggery Pleasant makes him go away. But the hat and the sunglasses fell and all he had for a head was a skull.
If you want to listen to an audio excerpt of the book press here and listen
By Juanjo 7Z

1 comment:

  1. That book looks really nice and interesting.
    I think I will readed.
