Sabriel(Book One) by Garth Nix
Friday, 14 October 2011
Sabriel (Abhorsen Triology)
Garth Nix,
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Year 8's visit to Hay Festival in Segovia

In conclusion, Michelle Paver explained all we wanted to know about her books and her animal-loving character.
There is an article about our visit in The Telegraph. They say we were a very entertaining audience! Click here to read it.
If you want to watch a video of her talk , clik here.
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Al principio, Mandrágora puede resultar un libro poco apetecible, no sé, por la portada o por lo que dice detrás. Yo lo escogí por la escritora, Laura Gallego, pero resultó ser muy bueno. Miriam, la hija de un gran sabio llega con su padre a la corte de un rey, y, aunque no quiera admitirlo se enamora perdidamente de su hijo, el príncipe. A la vez, descubre un secreto sobre su naturaleza. Todo parece complicarse...
Un libro romántico, de aventuras, magia y misterio.
Un libro romántico, de aventuras, magia y misterio.

Spanish reviews,
Year 8,
Year 9
Monday, 7 March 2011
Michelle Paver: 'Inspiration is mysterious'

Michelle Paver, author of Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series, reads from her book Ghost Hunter, the sixth and last book in the series, and answers questions from readers of the Guardian children's books site.
Really interesting!
Watch the video clicking here
We have got all her books in the library.
Thursday, 17 February 2011
Tobi Lolness

Wednesday, 16 February 2011
En un lugar de Atocha... de Santiago García Clariac
Quique es un niño que vive en Alcalá de Henares, cerca de la calle de Don Quijote. Sus padres están divorciados, su madre vive con él en Alcalá de Henares y su padre vive en Madrid. Su madre le promete que pronto se le pasará el enfado con su padre.
Al día siguiente Quique se levanta y un rato más tarde se van a la estación de Alcalá . Quique vió a una extraña persona con una misteriosa bolsa. En el andén se encontró con su vecino. El extraño hombre volvió a pasar varias veces. Un rato después entraron al tren y vió la bolsa del hombre misterioso en una de las baldas.
Si te gustan los sucesos historicos no dudes en leer este libro
Si te gustan los sucesos historicos no dudes en leer este libro
Monday, 20 December 2010
Spiderwick Chronicles
There are three children called Jared who is nine, his twin Simon and Mallory who is thirteen. They all have different characteristics, Jared is naughty, they would have expelled him from school but he was going anyway. Simon is an organised person, he also loves animals. Mallory is very bossy. After their parents´ separation, they moved house with their mum. Their new house is in the countryside. At night they heard noises. Jared thought they were ghosts. They went to investigate. They found a note:
In man’s torso you will find
My secret to all mankind
If false and true can be the same
You will soon know of my fame
Up and up and up again
Good luck dear friend.
After these strange things happened. Mallory’s hair was tied to the bed!
But if Simon and Jared were innocent... who did it then???
I would recommend this book to anyone who likes adventure, girls and boys. They have put lots of imagination on it. There are lots of fantastic characters in this story, each with different
features which make them interesting. This book is of adventure and mystery but most of all magic.

Click in this image to go to the official webpage and have fun!
by Aitana 7Z
English reviews,
Spiderwick Chronicles,
Year 7
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