There are three children called Jared who is nine, his twin Simon and Mallory who is thirteen. They all have different characteristics, Jared is naughty, they would have expelled him from school but he was going anyway. Simon is an organised person, he also loves animals. Mallory is very bossy. After their parents´ separation, they moved house with their mum. Their new house is in the countryside. At night they heard noises. Jared thought they were ghosts. They went to investigate. They found a note:
In man’s torso you will find
My secret to all mankind
If false and true can be the same
You will soon know of my fame
Up and up and up again
Good luck dear friend.
After these strange things happened. Mallory’s hair was tied to the bed!
But if Simon and Jared were innocent... who did it then???
I would recommend this book to anyone who likes adventure, girls and boys. They have put lots of imagination on it. There are lots of fantastic characters in this story, each with different
features which make them interesting. This book is of adventure and mystery but most of all magic.

Click in this image to go to the official webpage and have fun!
by Aitana 7Z