The yellow-stoned path which I was supposed to follow to get to my beloved granny’s house went into a dark mischievous forest. To tell the truth, I was quite terrified at first but, overcoming these critical fears, I decided to go in. The gigantic pines, in which probably lived more creatures that I could’ve ever imagined, seemed to reach the sky. I could feel my feet drench in the marshy mud, my new shoes getting ruined by the smelly substance. What was left of the path soon disappeared, and I found myself to be totally lost.
I thought it was a good idea to go north but, where was north? After a few minutes reflecting, leaned on one of the thousands- if not millions- of trees in that forest, I decided I should go straight. The woods would have to end somewhere, and I assured myself that, whatever direction I was determined to follow, I would find that “somewhere” if I went straight. I ripped a bit of my dress off, and tied it to one of the scratchy brown branches of the first tree I saw, just in case I started walking in circles. After what seemed an eternity of walking non-stop, it started raining. I co
uld feel every drop hit my skin, making my clothes more humid every second. Eventually, I looked up to see that I was in front of the piece of my dress, hanging bedraggled from a branch.
I fell into despair, throwing myself underneath the pine tree. The smell of grass and mud was unbearable, and the cold windy weather didn’t help either. It soon got dark, and me, terrified and near to freezing, somehow managed to get to sleep. I don’t know what happened next but, next morning, I woke up at home. The soft, soap- smelling blankets stroking my skin, the warmth so pleasant, that feeling of security; the room seemed nicer than ever.
I thought it was a good idea to go north but, where was north? After a few minutes reflecting, leaned on one of the thousands- if not millions- of trees in that forest, I decided I should go straight. The woods would have to end somewhere, and I assured myself that, whatever direction I was determined to follow, I would find that “somewhere” if I went straight. I ripped a bit of my dress off, and tied it to one of the scratchy brown branches of the first tree I saw, just in case I started walking in circles. After what seemed an eternity of walking non-stop, it started raining. I co

I fell into despair, throwing myself underneath the pine tree. The smell of grass and mud was unbearable, and the cold windy weather didn’t help either. It soon got dark, and me, terrified and near to freezing, somehow managed to get to sleep. I don’t know what happened next but, next morning, I woke up at home. The soft, soap- smelling blankets stroking my skin, the warmth so pleasant, that feeling of security; the room seemed nicer than ever.