Monday, 28 December 2009
The shapeshifter, Finding the fox

Monday, 21 December 2009
Microrrelatos de Navidad

The mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart

Click here to go to the web page. It has lots of info & games for the "very enlightened"
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Two short books reviews by Miss Bentley

Ok but a little bit tiresome. Zephaniah seems to have got carried away trying to teach us about refugees and to have forgotten that his first duty is to create a believable story with 3 dimensional characters. OK, informative but a bit irritating. I wonder whether you agree with me? Send a comment if you've read it.
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Una habitación en Babel

Una torre de viviendas en Alfarache, Sevilla, reúne a personajes dispares: Ángel, un profesor de Filosofía; Berta, una muchacha que sueña con ser escritora, Nor, un joven inmigrante; Rashid, Gil... Los destinos de estos personajes se unen para enviarnos un mensaje de compromiso con los demás, venciendo las barreras raciales y los prejuicios morales, sociales o religiosos.
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Summer reading / Lecturas de verano
Encontrarás una lista de libros recomendados para el verano por los alumnos del año 8 y 9 en LecturasdeveranoKS3
Friday, 13 February 2009
La ciudad de las bestias
Wednesday, 11 February 2009

The Ruby in the Smoke

The Spooks Apprentice


Monday, 9 February 2009
Tras la Afrenta de Corpes

Friday, 6 February 2009

I’ve read about three of this series, but Burnt and Night Bus are my favourite. Although the first two stories of Burnt weren’t great, the last one (The Shortest Horror Story Ever Written) was special because it had something that not all books have. As this story was the one I liked most, I’m going to talk about it:
This story, as the title says, is very short (Four pages). Supposedly someone who had been in prision added these pages to the book one night while the building of the publishing company, that was going to publish this book, was empty. This story is written from the point of view of the man who escaped from prison. I don’t want to tell you anything more about this story because it may spoil the plot for you, I would however warn you that what the man wrote is quite threatening!!

Have you read this book?. If you haven’t read it, I recommend you to do so.
The book is exciting, easy to read and hard to put down. It is one of the books that if you start to read you can’t leave it. The vocabulary is very easy.
If you like action books and spies you need to put it on your list. Alex Rider, the main character in the book, looks like James Bond but he is younger. For his missions he has lots of gadgets: A Game boy equipped with spy gear, zit cream that eats through metal…., etc.
This is the trailer of the movie
Alex is a very good boy and he is very good doing martial arts.
Author’s page: http://www.anthonyhorowitz.com/
Stormbreaker official page (story, picture gallery, trailers, games, etc): http://www.stormbreaker.com/
Alex rider’s page
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Nuevo final de Don Juan

Policía 1-
No hagáis uso de vueso esfuerzo en vano
Pues os cogeremos de todo empeño.
Ahora dadme vuesa mano.
Don Juan-
Si es lo que os preocupa, mozo
Dadme unos segundos de libertad
Antes de llevarme al calabozo.
Policía 2-
Ni se os ocurra probar fortuna
Con una última locura
O en fin fatal acabará.
Don Juan-
Os lo ruego como voluntad final
No os engañaré.
Policía 1-
Dad buen uso del tiempo que os presto
No dispondréis de más,
De la arena ya os resto.
Don Juan-
Catalinón, he comprendido
Cuan razón teníais,
Vos fuisteis mi luz en las tinieblas
Aunque os apagué
Ya que estaba ciego
Aceptad mis disculpas.
Don Juan-
No os lo permite fiel servidor.
He caído grave, de una enfermedad
De cuyo nombre desconocido es.
No hay medicamento que valga,
Ni tratamiento para aliviarlo
Es mal de Dios.
Don Juan-
Corre una sangre helada,
Sangre que quema,
Pero que me congela el corazón,
Sangre impura, sangre
Que fue derramada sin honor.
Siéntome como serpiente arrepentida,
Serpiente que solo ha mordido,
Que solo ha envenenado,
Que solo ha causado destrozos
En Troyas indefensas.
Griego cobarde he sido
Y el fuego troyano me desgarra el alma
Y me quema los ojos,
Y me abre las entrañas.
Maté al pastor y ahora sus ovejas
Se rebelan contra aqueste asesino,
Ladrón, homicida del honor.
Ardiente honor robado y
En colección para exponer.
Expuesto dolor y sufrimiento,
Villano el precursor,
Que ahora lo siente,
Como sale por la boca
Pero nunca se vacía de él,
Y le remueve, constante,
Sin descanso y sin fervor.
Mil cuervos comen de mi espíritu,
Se calientan con el fuego en el que ardo
Beben de mi sangre,
Y se regocijan viendo como me corroo
¡Aladas criaturas, dejadme morir en paz!
Pido perdón y clemencia
Porque no aguanto este dolor,
¡Acabad conmigo señor,
O lo haré yo!
Policía 1-
Ni tampoco muévese la arena
Que contiene aqueste este reloj
Maldición debe de ser, que el tiempo frena.
Don Juan-
Sino castigo del justiciero
Que estancando el tiempo,
Multiplica mi dolor tan fiero.
Aqueste dolor que estoy sufriendo
En secreto a voces,
Pues no aguanto como va creciendo
Y me va prensando como losa.
Policía 1-
Os está saliendo una lengua de fuego
Poderosa mano del Señor,
No me hagáis daño os lo ruego.
Lengua, mano, puño de fuego
Que os atraviesa como lanza divina,
Que mis ojos vomitan de veros,
Que no soportan no ver los vuestros en piscina.
¡Válgame el cielo! ¡No me hagáis daño os lo ruego!
Don Juan se retuerce de dolor y cae al suelo exhausto. Sufre convulsiones y esta bañado en sangre que brota de su cuerpo.
Policía 2-
Don Juan-
Policía 2-
Don Juan-
De comer mi riñón está dando a Cancerbero
Y a éste parece no saciarle el apetito
Duele Señor, arrancádselo al desdichado perro!
Policía 2-
Perdonad a mis pobres ojos…
Don Juan- (interrumpiéndole) Callad impertinente
Que mi dolor he de soportar
Y es suficiente ya, tener
Que ver mis tripas en ascuas arder
¡No aguanto este dolor!
Marcando mi corazón con un hierro está
(Grita de dolor)
Y enterrando mi honor en tumba de hielo
¿Qué debo hacer ahora sin honor?
Qué mis gritos lleguen al cielo
Y que alguien haga uso de clemencia
Pues mi cuerpo y alma son ahora ceniza y hielo
Que siguen calientes, que queman sin licencia.
¡OH, dolor insufrible! He aquí mi final.
Don Juan se dispara en la cabeza y al instante cae muerto. Los dos policías huyen aterrorizados por algo que han visto. Después de un rato llega un médico, que se acerca a don Juan.
Médico- (tocándole) Imposible de creer es, el desdichado
Aún mantiene una fragua en marcha
Que no parece haberse en su interior, apagado
Ni el fuego ni la escarcha.
Fragua macabra, su alma intentasteis moldear
Más no salio hierro recto,
Sino más bien quemado
¡Qué atrocidad! ¡Cuanto dolor!
Más la muerte que deseó,
Nadie se la puede negar,
Más el sufrimiento aún puede continuar…
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Survival guide to Camp Green Lake

Monday, 26 January 2009
Refugee Boy

Alem is an African boy which faces a very difficult situation. At the time there are internal conflicts in Africa. One of them involves Eritrea and Ethiopia and curiously (or unfortunately) his father is from Ethiopia and his mother from Eritrea. This will make them face a stunning adventure; they are not safe in either of the countries yet they used to live happily alterning from one to the other. Knowing that war has exploited harder than ever Alem`s father goes with him to have some unsuspected holidays in London. They book in a comftarble room in a hotel. They visit the city and everything seems fine when suddenly, next morning, Alem wakes up alone…
A note is left for him. The note explains the reasons of this crazy event. It’s for his own safety…
Some social agents go and see him immediately, what am I doing here? Was the most common question he asked himself.
Eventually Alem gets to hate this place and is taken to some foster parents, which are great and very nice to him. Some days after a letter get to him; it’s his father!
He is very relieved about this but days after one of the letters didn’t please him as much ; her mother had been hacked to death…
Across the nightingale floor

As he's from the Tribe, Lord Shigeru tells him that his mission is to kill Iida, who both of the hate him. During his journey he meets with Kaede, a girl from his age. Meanwhile, the Tribe have the intention of relucting him because he has great powers, and his death would be very negative.
During his journey, Takeo learns about love, destiny, implication, friendship and solidarity.
Harry and the wrinklies

He is used t o live alone in huge house for is own and his babysitter. However things change when Harry’s parents die in an accident when they are travelling around the world as they usually do. Harry must leave the house where he has live all his life, and move with his two old aunts.
Harry notice strange things in his aunts usual day and he is starting thinking they are both banks robbers, and he is right Harry must chose between a home and a family and doing the right thing.
Friday, 23 January 2009
The witches

If you really want to enjoy reading a book, read this one: Reading these 200 pages, made me feel lots of emotions; tension, anguish, sadness, and happiness at the same time...... I’m sure you are going to like it; I'm 100% sure of it.
I recommend it, above all, for people that like all those emotions with the emotion of mixing real life situations (the boy and his grandma) with fantasy (the witches).
Conclusion = Reading it = Enjoying a book
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Warriors into the Wild
This book is about a cat named Rusty who lives with humans until, one day, he ventures into the woods and finds a clan of cats who live there. He soon joins them, and finds out that there are four clans in the forest: ThunderClan (his clan), RiverClan, WindClan and ShadowClan. They defend their borders and catch their own prey. He is made an apprentice, and named Firepaw, and learns everything one needs to know to survive in a clan and in the forest.
I’d recommend this book to cat-lovers, and to those who enjoy action, adventure and mystery. This book will make you go on reading the rest of the series! There are three series with six books each, plus extra books such as six Manga volumes, the Super Edition “Firestar’s Quest”, and two guides. I’ve read all of the books and look forward to reading the forthcoming ones! You will surely get hooked!
Make sure you visit the official website (http://www.%20warriorcats.%20com/)
H. I. Larry’s deep waters book.

Read the book if you want to find out more!
I liked this book a lot because it is short and enjoyable. It has a bit of intrigue that keeps you reading it. It is very well written and it is very imaginative.
I would recommend this book to people that like action stories.
Another curse by Louis Sachar

I think that this book is very good in all of the aspects. I liked it because it includes a little bit of everything: humor, suspense, love… and it can make you feel opposite feelings at the same time.

It is about a boy who has to live on his own, only with the help of his pack-brother, a wolf and, some hunters want to kill him.
So, Outcast is an awesome and wonderful book by Michelle Paver.

Flora Segunda of Crackpot Hall

This book is filled with mysteries and adventures; you enter an amusing and strange world like you’ve never seen before.
I recommend this book to people that like creepy things .This book is not a very happy book or sad book, but a very strange story.
You would be asking yourself “Why is it a strange and amusing story?” but that you’ll have to find out for yourself.
Friday, 16 January 2009
The recruit by Robert Muchamore


This story is about a city boy called Brian Robeson and his parents are divorced.
Brian is with his mother, but he has to get a plane to the Canadian forest where his father is working.
Brian was very upset because he already new the SECRET before his parents had divorced. The SECRET was a thing that only his mother and him new.
Brian was only thinking of the SECRET when he got in the plane.
The pilot didn’t talk a lot but Brian didn’t mind.
There was a thing that was going to happen that Brian would never imagine.
The plane crashed.
Through the rest of the book Brian has to survive in the middle of the Canadian wilderness with only a hatchet. He has to live good adventures and bad ones.
He has to learn to live the hard way , or die.
I think this book was a very good one, because it has some points of intrigue and of fear. This book can be read by boys or girls and it is not very long so you can read it in a few days.
This is a extract of the book that I liked:
"There was a wild crashing sound, a ripping of metal, and the plane rolled to the right and blew through the trees, out over the water and down, down to slam into the lake, skip once on water as hard as concrete, water that tore the windscreen out and shattered the side windows, water that drove him back into the seat". (Hatchet, page 23)
There is a page that I found that talks about other adventures of Brian Robeson, and I would like to read them:
Noughts and crosses
This is a gripping and totally absorbing novel were blacks, in the story called crosses, and whites, called noughts, don’t mix together. The account is based on what two children, Sephy and Callum live. Although Sephy is a cross and Callum a nought, they’re friends because Callum’s mother worked for Sephy’s family.
Everyone was happy until when four nought children were accepted into a cross’ school. Callum was one of those noughts and it was Sephy’s school. Both of them were very excited about going to the same classroom and talking about their homeworks, their teachers, etc... But when the first day of school started, all the crosses were waiting the noughts to pass to the school, looking at them menacingly and throwing them stones. The police couldn’t stop them. A nought girl was injured in her head, but it wasn’t important and the noughts entered the school.
In school, the four nought children were marginated and the black teachers didn’t like them too much. Sephy didn’t like these attitudes towards the noughts, so one day she sat down with the noughts to eat. The crosses didn’t like these so they marginated her aswell. Callum didn’t want the people to know that Sephy and him were friends because that will ruin their friendship and he got very angry when Sephy started to talk with him during school-time.
Then things got worse, Callum’s daughter, who had been attack because of kissing a nought, remembered what happen, she had been in shock since then, so, she decide to commit suicide by throwing herself in front of a bus. After that things got worse, there was a lot of violence between the nought and crosses that lead into bombs, persecution, etc... Will Sephy and Callum be together??
DP 10
And then there were none

Anthony Marston, Mrs. Rogers, General Macarthur, Mr. Rogers, Miss. Brent Mr. Justice Wargrave, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Blore, Philip Lombard, Vera Claythorne.
Soldier Island, is their destiny, they all seem to have different people or different things to do there, the two servants Mr and Mrs Rogers have had previous instructions as to what to do by letter informing them that the mysterious owner of the house Mr Owen had told them that he would only delay a day or so and that they were to receive some guests and give them everything they needed. The incomers were confused by this explanation they had expected something else or someone else.
A strange tape is put on and reveals that each one of the present people have committed murderer.
Nine people, suddenly one of them chokes and dies in the instant, it is found that he had been poisoned, there seems to be a murderer between the assistants, but who?
Suddenly a whole lot of homicide cases take place following a nursery rhyme:
They search everywhere for a possible extra person there and find, nothing.
So we have a question:Who is the Murderer?
The phone goes dead

The Phone Goes Dead is about a girl who was walking, and it started to rain.Well it was actually a storm.There are two things you should never do when there’s a storm 1.get under a tree 2.get out your mobile phone.Well going back to the story.The girl was walking until the storm started.She shelterd under a big, tall tree, and called her husband.As she was talking a lightning reached her and she died .The phone landed a few meters away from her.The day after the body is removed the phone ends up in a second-hand shop.In there David Adams’ Dad buys the phone to give it to his son, for his birthday.
The phone was very old fashioned but David didn’t mind.One day David got a call from someone ...
Bath Night: Bath Night is about a family,the Martin family.The parents Susan and Jeremy liked to buy antiques.One day they go to buy a bath.The bath they get is quite old with a yellowish thing on the bottom.But it’s quite nice.
Their daughter is called Isabel.Isabel didnt quite like the bath.One day she was going to have a bath.She turned the tap on and a red thing came out of it.Well you probably all know what the red thing is...If you dont i’ll tell you it was BLOOD.Or at least thats what Isabel thought
She had been 3 or 4 days without having a shower and she wanted to have one because washing herself in the sink it wasn’t very confortable.She wanted to face that horrible bath and so she did.She turned the tap on.
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Twilight saga

Her parents are divorced and her mother has decided to go and live with her new husband so Bella decides to go with his father Charlie. Charlie has always loved Bella and Bella likes him because he leaves her alone not like her mother, Renée.
When she had moved to a little town called Forks she meets a very irresistible but strange boy called Edward Cullen. Her new friends, Eric, Jessica and Mike, tell Bella he never talks to anyone that is not from his family. This encourages Bella to talk with him. In class, his teacher, Mr. Banner, decides to sit Bella and Edward together. Bella notices Edward gets too nervous when they are together. Edward doesn’t appear at school for some days after that day.
When he comes back to school, Bella and Edward start talking, they get to be friends. Once, when Bella was going to be killed with a car, Edward saves her. She recognizes he was too fast and strong to save her. Then she starts seeing his eye color changes and his supernatural gifts. But Bella does not want to notice it is not a good idea to be near Edward for a long time. This will make her life take a terrifying turn.
Then Bella tries to discover his secret, she searches in Internet and discovers it. She really isn’t scared but doesn’t want to loose him. Edward loves her too.
After, Edward invites Bella to meet his family. They play baseball but then three inconveniences get on their way. Once again, Edward saves Bella.
¿What is Edward Cullen’s secret?
As soon as Bella joined the new school, she adapted extremely well, she got on well with teachers and made lots of new friends, but there was a student in particular which caught her eye, his name was Edward Cullen and had fame for being very weird, and he seems to be repulsed by her. After doing a bit of research, Bella finds out Edward and his family are vampires and had lived for several centuries, they drink blood , after some time Edward reveals he initially avoided Bella because the scent of her blood was so desirable to him it was dangerous.
After some time, and several events which are tremendously romantic, Bella and Edward fall in love, and everything is marvellous till a new vampire called James turns up, and he wants to hunt Bella as a sport. She is in a very dangerous situation and to prevent damages is sent to a hotel in Phoenix whilst Edward remains in Forks. James then phones Bella saying he has her mother and that the only way to save her is giving herself up. She does so, and is attacked by James, the whole Cullen family manages to save her just in time, but James had bit her hand, Edward hurries to suck the venom out before she is turned into a vampire. Bella and Edward return home, and attend the prom in which Bella tells him she wants to be turned into a vampire, because she wants to stay with him forever. They are seriously the best couple of all times.

Bella’s birthday came soon, and Bella was sad about it because that meant she would be 18, older than Edward.
The Cullen’s made a great party at their house, and Bella got cut in the finger with the wrapping paper of a present, Jasper tried to kill her, but Edward saved her.
Soon after, Edward told Bella he had to go and everything was going to be as if he never had existed.
Months passed and Bella was mysterious, she had nightmares all nights and her friends long ago stop calling her to go to places.
But one day she found 2 broken bikes and thought about learning how to ride them... She went down to La push where Jacob Black and his father lived so Jake could mend them.
After some weeks they were great friends… just friends… and Jacob knew that, even thought he wanted to be something more, Bella and him told between each other all their secrets.
One day Bella decided to go hiking and she appeared in a place she already knew, because she had been with Edward. At that moment Laurent a vampire appeared and tried to kill her, but before nothing could happen, 5 enormous wolves appeared and ran after Laurent, Bella got worried because she could hear Edwards voice inside it when she was in danger.
A few days passed and Jacob didn’t call her at all, and soon after it Bella got sick of it and went to talk with him. After that, Jacob and her were friends again because now Bella knew that Jacob was a werewolf (that was Jacobs’s secret) and she didn’t care, but she knew that the werewolves were the vampire’s enemies.
One evening when Jake had gone after a Victoria, the vampire which was after Bella, Bella decided to do cliff diving and nearly got drowned.
Then that evening Alice (Edward sister) came and told Bella that Edward was heading to Italy because he though Bella was dead.
Bella and Alice ran to save Edward from suicide, and in the last minute they reached him, then, the most powerful vampire family took them into their home glad to have Edward save, because they wanted him and Alice, because of their “special powers” of reading peoples mind and seeing the future.
Will they escape without being killed on the try? Will Alice and Edward join that family? Will Jacob be still friends with Bella even though she has gone with Edward, Jacobs’s enemy?
If you want to find a book review about this book click in the hyperlink: http://www.dearauthor.com/ (this one is for the author) http://www.clareswindlehurst.com/ (this page is also with the book review)
Elena Ruiz-Orfila
Stephenie Meyer talks about it
Breaking dawn is the last book from the Twilight saga, written by Stephenie Meyer.
In this book, Bella Swan and Edward Cullen finally marry, as that was the condition that would make Edward change his mind and transform Bella into a vampire. After the wedding, where everything went just perfect, they go to their honeymoon. As Edward didn’t tell her where they were going, Bella was surprised by their destiny: Isle Esme. This Island was Edwards parent’s property, but they had decided to let them spend their honeymoon there.
Firstly, everything was going as they had planned. But then, Edward can’t control his strength and hurts her. Everything starts to go wrong, and, when Bella gets sick, they have to return home. But, Bella wasn’t really sick. She was pregnant. After many discussions, she decides to have the baby, who will be half human and half vampire.
The baby develops very fast. In a few weeks, the baby is big enough to get out of the womb, but it is too big. During the birth, Bells loses a lot of blood, and, just in the last moment, Edward is able to transform her, saving her life.
When she wakes up, everyone realizes she isn’t a normal newborn. She is able to resist the scent of human blood and control herself, which is impossible for a newborn to do.
But, one day, when Renesmee (Bella and Edward’s child), Jacob and Bella are playing, another vampire sees them. That vampire thinks Renesmee is an immortal child, which is against the law the Vultui imposed upon every vampire.
PSC 12
Stargirl by Jerry Spinelly